Rug design by Gustav Persson Hallands Konstmuseum Halmstad -
Allium quality 10 m special design rug Opalkyrkan Tynnered -
Rutan at Källemo -
Tribulus Mono at Källemo -
Bula and Klong -
Fjäll and Klong -
Camelia & Allium at Värnamo Näringsliv -
Sencillo in a hotel setting -
Labyrint in a shop setting -
Cubes in a shop setting -
Birds Nest in shop setting -
Celia contract sound absorber at Värnamo Kommun -
Birds Nest Lino at TV4 Nyhetsmorgon -
Football at Bygglov TV4 -
Small box at Gallery Wetterling, Stockholm -
Camelia 45 mm in kidney shape